Have you ever thought of wiping the slate clean to make a fresh start on your life? 

Many of us have dreamed of doing something completely different with our lives but backed away from the inevitable upheaval. But it's definitely possible to downsize your life – and it starts with your property and possessions.

Many people gain contentment in living a life that doesn't carry the responsibility of ownership or maintenance of a large home. They're usually more a free spirit than a homebody. Increasingly often, they're so-called Digital Nomads; professionals who are employed but working without an office. They love to move from city to city, or even between countries (once we can travel again!).

As local agents, we can help you either downsize your property to an apartment or smaller property and maximise the value of your existing home so you can start over.

Here are some tips on how to successfully downsize your property and clean that slate.

  • Reset your priorities – Work can often throw the rest of life out of kilter. Focus on what gives your greatest satisfaction, whether it's a hobby or a different career direction, and engineer everything in your life towards your new goals.

  • House maintenance blues – If you own a large, family-sized home, it comes with responsibilities. Your free time has to be surrendered to maintaining the property and keeping the garden in good shape. If this isn't how you wish to spend your time, then it's time to downsize.

  • Does your plan add up? – There's no avoiding the need to have money. So, make sure you can afford the lifestyle that you're seeking. Find a good financial adviser to help you plan.

  • Can you rent your home? – If cash flow is an issue, you can choose to rent your existing home, or sell the property and exist off the profit of the sale. There are always options in real estate.

  • Keep it simple – The whole point of downsizing is to simplify your life. So, when you look for new accommodation, keep your needs simple. 

  • New location – It's tempting to believe a new location will make all the difference. Sometimes that's true, but often the challenges of life follow you. So, ensure any new area meets your lifestyle needs, whether that's a beach or an entertainment precinct. Also make sure internet connectivity, transport and health options are good. 

  • Sell your stuff – Reduce your possessions. It's essential. It will be easier to live in a smaller place and create the hassle-free life you're seeking.

  • Don't ignore the future – With the cash you'll save from living in a smaller property, consider putting away any spare money to secure your financial future. Again, a good financial adviser will be able to give you good guidance in this area.